Many games have tried to copy Super Mario Kart on PC over the years but Wacky Wheels was the first real contender to actually be as fun while adding some twists of its own. |
Where is she hiding? Play the detective, catch the thief and hunt down Carmen Sandiego! The grateful citizens of the world need their cultural treasures back, and you’ll have earned your promotion! Good luck! |
Carmen is back, reworked & remastered. Track the thief & arrest her! The deluxe version has music, better graphics and more villains. Enjoy travelling the world for the ACME agency and return cultural treasures to a grateful citizenry. |
Track Carmen through time with your chronoskimmer in this historical part of the franchise. Check your clues carefully, because each country has four epochs & it’s easy to get them confused. Earn your promotion to Super Time Sleuth & catch Carmen! |
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